We finally got some blue sky! It is just what my soul needed. The forecast for the next week looks beautiful. I hope to make some real progress on the yard. !
We got the landscaping fabric laid down to cover the raised portion of the yard and near the fence and arborvitae to create shade-loving plant beds in the future. These will be covered with mulch which I will order in the next week or so. I still need to weed-whack behind the arborvitae and get the area along the fence cleaned up.
Barb came over one night last week and helped move/rake the pea gravel. Joe did a lot of trips with the shovel and wheelbarrow. I think I owe him a trip to the chiropractor!
Here is a view from the back corner of the yard. The gravel is almost done being spread on the raised portion of the lawn. The rest will be used for the unpaved portion of the garage. I am going to make a bed around the deck to camouflage the underside of the deck.
Here is Joe golfing in the backyard. Even with it partially done it has still be fun to spend more time out there, which we never used to do. Our backyard used to kind of feel like a weight on our shoulders. Now it is starting to feel like one more place we can hang out.
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