I found this window for free on craigslist. Such a perfect fit! Barb hung it with hooks and then we will secure it at the bottom to prevent it from swaying if it gets windy. I still need to find another window(s) for the other side.
I found this cool pot at Salvage Works in Kenton. It is made out of aluminum and I plan to hang it in the room and plant a shade loving plant in it. It is about 15" in diameter.
Here are some window boxes that I got for free when I got the window. I still need to decide where to hang the window boxes. Barb got the basket of flowers for us as our first bit of color. Aren't they pretty?
Tomorrow's plan is to spray paint the garage a lighter color and then we are done with this portion of the yard. I just need to find a table and whatever accessories I want.
Thanks again to Barb, Sean and Joe for working so hard.